Wednesday, March 26, 2014

New Direction

Good morning everyone!

Today is a better morning than yesterday, only because I'm becoming the worlds (okay, probably not the WORLDS) biggest complainer in regards to the weather.  Yesterday the high was 28 degrees.  But today, TODAY the high is 48.  (Imagine a very pregnant and round woman doing a little jig and insert that image here.)  This is a glorious turn of events here in Iowa.  

You may have noticed that I had to shut down the blog for a few weeks while I worked on a reformat/content redirection.  I wasn't happy with what I was publishing on this space, and there was a serious lack of focus.  There are many topics on my heart a majority of the time but I found myself not utilizing this space to tackle them.  One of the things I've completely avoided was the subject of my faith.  I have wanted to steer clear of controversy on this blog and I know that God-talk makes people uncomfortable; and from my experiences, very defensive and angry.

I'm tired of skirting around issues that may make people uncomfortable.  I'm not your typical Christian lady.  (Though, I think when a majority of people envision Christians, they think only of the assholes on the media who get upset over things like the TV Series Cosmos not discussing Creation, or the late Fred Phelps who founded the ever pleasant Westboro Baptist Church).  Most of the Christians I know are nothing like that.  Though I am much more liberal than many of those same Christians that I know.  Which in turn leaves me feeling kind of feel like an alien most days.  I'd like to be able to share with you some of my thoughts and struggles regarding being a liberal Christian.  I hope that's okay with you.

Another thing that may look a little different around here is my open discussion of both motherhood and married life.  Again, I've tried to make this blog mostly surface but I think it's time to tackle the deeper stuff. I'm a stay-at-home Mom.  I'm only 28 years old and about to have 3 children.  I suddenly drive a mini-van.  It's super weird.  But, obviously, this part of my life is a rather big one SO- I'll try really hard to not go all "Mommy-Blog" on you guys.  But, it's a possibility that some posts may be focused in that direction, as it is a major part of the life I am living.

Oh, and recipes!  I cook and bake a lot!  I want to share all of this yummy stuff with you!  Can I share some recipes here, is that okay?!

I still plan on talking about writing and books because HELLO!  I'm Azia DuPont- I am a writer and I love to read.  I'm still editing Dirty Chai.  So, those of you that enjoy that content- never fear!  It will still be here!  Cover reveals, book reviews, writing struggles-- all that content will still be a major focus of this blog.  I'm dying to be more authentic with you guys.  To share my journey as I go "One Step at a Time" -- get it?  It's the new name of my blog.  Haha.  I hope those of you who have been around since the beginning will stick around and enjoy the refocus of this space.  I hope to start some dialogue and to get to know you all that much better.  And, maybe to make a few new friends too.

I'm excited to relaunch and dive into a regular blogging schedule with a refocused energy.  Cheers to new beginnings!


  1. I'll be the first to admit that when I saw the pictures of your highlighted Bible, I almost clicked away. Following Christian blogs (while I honestly having nothing against Christians) is a tough one for me, because as a woman in a relationship with another woman, I feel uncomfortable at the thought of making the blog owner uncomfortable at having "someone like me" following them. :P So, I appreciated your words, and I hope you'll blog about what's important to YOU, regardless of the content. The point is to have it be something that works for you, and talking about what is so much a part of your life is no issue, at all!

    Cheers to your new beginning. :)

    Alex Hurst, fantasy author in Japan, participating in Blogging A-Z April Challenge.

    1. Oh how I appreciate your honesty! And let me tell you-- I am fully supportive of gay rights and believe you were beautifully created JUST AS YOU ARE. There are many Christians who, like me, feel this way. The middle picture up there was actually an Instagram photo I had captured after spending my morning crying reading the bible because the night before someone had made a snide remark about the "Same Love" performance at the Grammys. My heart was jur ACHING because I felt so alienated as a liberal Christian. Maybe I'll be able to show you a different side-- if you bear with me. xo

  2. Do you have a post here on your journey from atheist to Christian? I would be interested in hearing your story. I tried to find your A-Z reveal but couldn't. I look forward to reading more of your blog.
    Gail at Making Life An Art

    1. I have not written about it yet! I've been... afraid? Just, not wanting to be too controversial. But, I'm done being afraid. And, I definitely plan on sharing that with you all.

  3. Right on. You should be writing about what's important to you. That's why I write about the most absurd nonsense possible.
    I can imagine suddenly finding yourself driving a minivan would take some getting used to. Are there still station wagons? I used to love station wagons. Also, I'm going to just assume and hope that your van has all necessary windows to ensure it's not weird.

  4. Beautiful. You are you Azia Dupont and a lovely you at that. :) You're probably more liberal than I, but i'll take it with a grain of salt. :P ha JUST KIDDING. Proud of you crazy Mama! Do your thang :))) also, you have a Minivan???? OMYYY WORD! :D movin up in the unthinkable momma world. Hope Iowa life is treating you well! I want to see more belly pictures! quit hiding your beautiful child within ;) haha. Lots of Love<33


Love to read what you have to say! Keep the comments coming!