Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Wow, What a Year!

2013 was quite the year for my family and I- a few big things:

Garrett and I finally got married after 8 years of being together, loving each other, having Eva, driving each other bonkers and not appreciating each other, breaking up, finding our way back to one another, having Abram and moving out of our college town to a new place.

Abram turned 1 in July!  We had a fun family day!  Spent the day at a local kiddie pool, had homemade pizza and cake- it was perfect!

Eva started Kindergarten!  Twice!  Ha.  We moved about a month into the school year so she had to switch schools, but she wasn't phased!  She is loving school, and it's so neat when she comes home after learning something new- how excited she gets!

We went totally and completely BROKE. Long story short, but the terrible company my husband worked for before this job, finally took their unprofessional business practices and ridiculous policies too far, which resulted in my husband being forced to resign.  We had NOTHING, for 3 months.  Without the help from our church and friends, we would have starved.  But, God is faithful- not only did the State of Minnesota look into my husbands job loss and deemed it an unlawful (they had to pay us money) but the day after this entire incident started, my husband was contacted by a recruiter, and now has an incredible job!

Which was the precursor of us moving from Minnesota to Cedar Falls, Iowa!  It wasn't  too far of a move, but it is weird being somewhere different!  I do really enjoy this town and the people we've met!  We are truly blessed!

Dirty Chai published its first issue!  And opened up submissions for it's second issue!

We found out we are expecting our *third* child in May!  I'm just about 19 weeks today- almost halfway done!

2013 was also the year that my Atheist views were completely eradicated from my mind and heart.  I teetered on the fence for a very long time, there was a lot of fear, anxiety and resentment in my heart- and honestly, if you base anything about Christianity on the "Christians" in main stream media, you won't find yourself very compelled to learn more about the faith.  But, I met real Christian people, actually spent time reading and discussing the Bible, and discovered God in my heart.  What a blessing!

2013 was a busy, crazy year!  It makes me so excited to see what 2014 has in store for us!  Tomorrow I will share my "resolutions" or as I like to see it- goals for the year.

How was 2013 for you?


  1. Sounds like a roller-coaster of a year! I hope 2014 has more ups than downs for you and your family :)

  2. What a crazy year for you and your family! I'm so excited for your third baby! HAPPY 2014! xx

  3. What a crazy year Azia! I'm glad to hear you guys are doing well and congrats on the addition to your family that will be arriving in May. Wishing you nothing but the absolute BEST this year :)


Love to read what you have to say! Keep the comments coming!