Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Something about GIANT BEASTS

I have this continual problem of grossly underestimating the strain of something on another thing.  (How's that for vague?  Ha.)  But, in all seriousness, I have 6 posts in "draft" mode - like Part 2 of You Are Not A Slut : Women Empowering Women (You can read Part 1 here.)  So, where in holy Hannah Montana are these posts?  Well, hmm... see-- we moved this past weekend.  And this move happens to make itself into the "things I've underestimated as to straining of other things" category.

We moved from one city in Iowa to another.  Not a big deal, right?  Apparently moving an entire household, while 35 weeks pregnant takes a lot more than I had assumed it would, and alas, find myself insanely exhausted by the end of the day.  I am embarrassed to admit (but also not as bothered by this as I typically would be) that I haven't written a single word (creatively that is) in almost 2 weeks.

Did I forget to mention that I have a rare condition in which my baby is a giant beast?   If you are good at connecting the dots, if baby is a giant beast that means I am also a giant beast.  (Really, I'm not making this up: it's called polyhydramnios.)  At my 34 week check-up, my OB measured my stomach and let me know that I in fact was measuring 43 weeks (which explains the 'Oh!  You must be ready to pop!' comments I hear about 45 times a day.)  This fact caused her a bit of distress, so she sent me straight to ultrasound to measure my little giant peanut.  Yep, she was measuring 3 weeks ahead and was already a whopping 7 pounds.  Did I mention I still have a month left of this pregnancy?

All I can focus on is trying to get this house unpacked, taking care of my children (while constantly out of breath and, well, slightly really freaking irritable: YAY HORMONES!), and not trying to stress myself out that something may be wrong with my giant beautiful daughter.

So, I promise that I will post these 6 drafts soon.  I've got baby brain like crazy.  And, since I'm super attractive right now, can I get the beautiful people pass?


  1. (((Hugs))) Having just moved (without the added stress of children and pregnancy) I can safely say you are my heroine! You look amazing, and I hope you get some much needed rest. The words will be there when you're ready!

    1. Lara! Stop! But, thank you. :) That was very kind!

  2. Oh dear. You look like I did with my twins. LOL Polyhydramnios will do that...
    And, oy, moving so late in pregnancy. My heart goes out to you.Good luck!

    1. My OB said I was bigger than her twins-carrying patient HAHAHA

      BUT- you are super woman. I could NOT raise twins. 2 to breast feed? 2 to bathe? 2 to clothe? 2 to put to bed? 2 diapers to change? OY VEY!

  3. Oh My! I wish I could come down and help you a bit! For as big as your belly is though, you certainly do look amazing! I hope she makes her big debut soon!!!

    1. Me too :) But, we will see each other soon! 2 months! And I bet your belly (while never getting this giant I'm going to guess haha) will be beautiful and round. <3

  4. Never heard of that one, but oh! I feel for you! How uncomfortable...In the scheme of things, this is but a small moment, though it seems like an eternity I'm sure. You are superwoman! Was this the condition with your other pregnancies as well?? Gail

    1. Thank you for the words of encouragement. You are very right. "This too shall pass..." And, heck- maybe she'll be out soon! HA. I did not have this condition with my other pregnancies. Though, my first was 8 lbs and my second was 9 lbs. So, our babies definitely aren't small :)


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